English Language Mentor

I believe in giving people the opportunity to know more and better.

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Click to know more about the book!

I have taught English all my life. My teaching skills have been honed to provide individualised solutions. My mentoring process is entirely customised to meet my mentoree’s/coachee’s needs.

A unique learning path is created for each learner/mentoree, and this unique teaching and learning process has been largely established on the transforming power of language awareness.

I use many of my books to customise my teaching process.

This video introduces the Conectação and includes some clients’ testimonials.

Get to Know Conectação

Click bellow and have access to the informations on this unique English learning process!
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In this video I talk about the approach I used in most of my language books.

Get to Know InglĂȘs Resultado

Click bellow and have access to the informations on this unique English assesment process!
Click Here

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